Linggo, Hulyo 10, 2011

Reaction on POVERTY

Today Over 22000 Children Died Around the World

                  Can you fathom the idea of child dying every four seconds? Who or what could be the possible culprits of such?
                 Poverty. Majority of the world's people and nations are poor. And half the world's population- over 3 billion people- thrive on $2.50 a day. According to UNICEF, poverty is the major reason of death since it leads to other problems.
                 What causes poverty? Could it be the poor, themselves? Have they been lazy or careless? Or could it be the government? Did they pursue bad decisions for their country, affecting their economic development? These are true. And the poor countries' government and people are powerless, that's why few get rich and many are getting poorer.
                 Poverty is a silent killer, and it leads to hunger. Poor citizens are not able to go to school. causing the high unemployment rate of their country. Since they can't find a job, they're caught in between doing crimes or have nothing to eat. Many children die of hunger or malnutrition. Poverty also causes countless diseases and illnesses. Unfortunate families live in heavily polluted areas, and since they are not educated, most of them don't know what harm uncleanliness could do to their health.
                I personally think this issue is not getting the attention it deserves. This silent ongoing crime, putting at risk thousands of lives, should be prevented.